Man-bags, purses that are meant for men. I don't see why more men don't use man-bags ... for all their electronics, documents, wallets, etc. Men who wear all of these items on their belts are more weighted down than construction workers. Not to mention all the radiation emitted around the waist area!
I came across this a few days ago that made me realize that it is not only man-bags that men have adopted from wise women.
"mandals" (sandals), "guyliner" (eyeliner), "man crush" (hero worship), "manscaping" (trimming, waxing or brushing the body hair), "manstress" (a woman's man-on-the-side), "mansy" (a guy who's not a complete wimp, but he does have his moments), "manties" (very brief, tight-fitting men's underpants)
My guess is the "manties" would produce the same harmful effects as wearing a Blackberry on the belt!