Have a scary Halloween!
* The first time I remember going trick or treating, I was dressed as a clown. We had a huge snowstorm so I was a sensible clown that wore a winter coat.
* I once won a costume competition for being a cowgirl simply because I had a banana instead of a gun (that’s a pacifist for you)
* We used to have costume parades in my elementary school. I’ve never seen so many hobo’s on parade all at once
* My mom wouldn’t let me take a pillow case out to collect candy because one time my cousin’s took out pillow cases and some kids stole their candies. Of course the loss of the pillow cases was much greater to my family than the loss of candy!
* By high school I began to think that Halloween was just an excuse for lazy kids go come to school in their pyjamas
* The last time I got dressed up for Halloween I was a scarecrow. The straw made my neck really itchy – but I had all the little children convinced I was stuffed
Happy Halloween!