Observations of a puzzling world

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Or is it Cursing? I never really know. But my colleague Rachel and I were discussing swearing the other day. I don’t really swear – at least not out loud. I will drop a few bad words to myself when I slam my thumb in the drawer, or almost get hit by a car when crossing the street. I’m a big fan of those almost swear phrases: Oh Fudge, Darn it, What the H-E-double hockey sticks, and the like. I think those are just as bad as swearing because you really did mean to swear but just changed the words. Its like when I ask someone if they have been reading this blog – they respond yes but really they mean no. So it all is the same thing. I think I’ll make up some of my own cutsie swear phrases to use instead of the real bad words. How about – Oh frugal dumpling!


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