Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


The warm weather is upon us… and while there is nothing I enjoy more than packing my winter coat and toque away, there are some downfalls to summer weather. Sandals in the summer are a must – it’s just too hot to wear socks and shoes. And wearing boots in the summer is just a fashion faux pas. But sandals are a dangerous shoe, primarily because they completely eliminate the barrier between the general public (most notably me) and the stinky feet of others. During my hiatus I had the displeasure of sitting next to someone for 5 hours and 13 minutes who was wearing flip flops – cheap plastic flip flops. And the stickiness really was becoming just too much. I was in such a trap – there was no way to get away from the smell. And what could I tell this person to reduce the smell? It was really a shame I didn’t have any talc powder with me that I could just sprinkle under my seat and aim toward their feet. I kept on eating peppermint Altoids just so I could mask the smell of the feet. Just thinking back on it is making me cringe. So what can we do about this stickiness? I think we should all be conscious of how long we have been in our sandals, and get into the routine of every time we go to the washroom and wash our hands, we should also wash our feet at the same time. If not for the clean feet, then for me to be able to see people hovering over the sink while standing on one foot.


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