Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Is it time for a bear patrol?

I can't say that my job is boring ... because there is something unexpected that happens just about every day. I guess that's what happens when you work with the public ... but last week there was something VERY unexpected that happened at my workplace. Late at night, a special visitor came into the building - a black bear in fact. The full story can be read here. Sadly I was not in the office at the time when the bear came in, but apparently he just walked by the coffee kiosk (which was closed), and then was on his way. If I was around, I would have run down to the cafeteria and brought him a coffee, first to be a good host, but also because if that bear made the effort to come into the hospital to the coffee kiosk, he must have been really needing a caffeine fix. I'm sure no one told him about the drive-thru Tim Hortons down the road. Naturally the days following the "bear incident" there as chatter everywhere about being prepared for unexpected visits to the hospital, what would happen if the bear got aggressive? The discussion reminds me of the Simpsons episode where there is a Bear Patrol instituted following a bear strolling into Springfield. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a patrol of our own soon. Yesterday as I was walking into the office, there were a few fine upstanding members of "protection services" (that's fancy talk for security guards) talking about other potential animal attacks. According to these fine upstanding public servants, bears are not the issue - in all seriousness - cheetah's and jaguars are really what we need to be looking out for! Clearly we are wiser than the residents of Springfield!

Monday, September 24, 2007


How do you know when you are acting in an obsessive manner? I never really considered myself to be someone who is obsessive. I typically lose interest in something about 10 minutes after I learn of it - but every now and again I'll take a moment to think about what I'm doing and realize that there is something off. Take for example my activities over the last 12 hours. I've only sat at my computer during that time for about 45 minutes, and in that time I've listened to a new song that I downloaded from iTunes 12 times. So essentially I've listened to that song over and over, every time I've been at my computer. I bet I have other activities like this that I don't even realize I am doing repeatedly. I'm going to start installing counters on everything to determine - and then diagnose myself as obsessive. I bet I could take sick-leave for that!

** as a follow up, as soon as I posted this and turned off the computer (and the song I am obsessed with), I turned on the radio and the same song was on! So clearly the universe is forcing my obsessive behaviours!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I'm back

Hello everyone,

Yes I realize it has been a very very long time since I have posted anything here. I would like to say that my new city is not all that inspiring - but that would be a lie. It is more like I don't know where to start. Things are very different here than other places I've lived. Cowboy hats and pickup trucks everywhere to start. But that's expected of Calgary - it's practically what the city is known for.

My lack of writing for so many months I will attribute to the big truck running into my car. I'll compare it to the great Stephen King. He was hit by a mini van and had a very difficult time writing following the accident. Not that I'm comparing myself to Mr King, but I think all my great ideas disappeared when I saw that 18-wheeler backing into me.

But now I'm back - with stories coming out of my ears. So ask that you stay tuned. I promise many fantastic anecdotes!

Thanks for reading!