Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It’s only a scratch …

I must report on the events of yesterday – I was nearly flattened by a tractor trailer! Let me backup … it was a very snowy and icy day (nothing new for this city). I was waiting behind a tractor trailer that was trying to backup into the delivery bay. As the driver was backing up he hit my car – and didn’t even see me or hear me blowing my horn! Luckily the truck only hit my front bumper and there is only a scratch, but imagine having this massive 18 wheeler backup right into your car! So traumatic. All of these people around me couldn’t believe that I got hit – and the driver said “I didn’t hit you” – even though I have the scratch on the car, witnesses, and emotional scars to prove it! Anyway, the event is now over, but I had to share with all my readers.

Other than that traumatic event, nothing else much to report. I spend a lot of time in the car so most of my observations have been driving related – not terribly exciting. I learned that one of my coworker’s husband was involved in a sting operation where fraudulent mechanics were being exposed … that’s rather interesting. But again, driving related.

Safe driving!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Long time no blog...

Hello readers!

Yes I know that it has been a VERY long time since I posted a message here. As you maybe aware, I’ve relocated to the lovely city of Calgary! I have so much to write… but will start by explaining why I haven’t blogged. I’ve got this incredibly energy conscious roommate that seems to think it is a waste of electricity to leave the modem plugged in. I mean really – why leave it plugged in when you’re not using it … it’s not like anyone else in the house requires access to the web! Honestly…so just about any time I want to use my computer, there is no internet connection. Additionally my roommate sleeps about 20 hours a day, and the modem is in her room. So that explains that.

Needless to say I am looking for a place of my own – but this time as a home owner, not a renter. The search continues … let me tell you that the novelty of visiting homes when the temperature is -20 degrees and snow is falling wears off awfully quickly. Everyone think happy thoughts so that I can find my own place soon (and remain connected to the web!).

As my first observation about this booming city … the people are a rather confusing breed. As with most other cities, there are lots of large vehicles in which people commute individually. Saving petrol (or the environment through emissions) is not a high priority since gas is relatively cheap compared to elsewhere in the country. But nearly every home that I’ve visited makes use of high efficiency fluorescent light bulbs. I don’t really get why the choice is made to conserve electricity but not anything else. OH – and they don’t recycle here! It’s so awful. There are no blue boxes anywhere, so everything literally gets thrown in the garbage. If you want to recycle – you have to take things yourself to the recycling depots. Madness!

So that’s it for now … and I promise to post messages much more frequently. I hope all is well and thank you for reading :)