Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Yesterday I found a package of oatmeal cookies in my desk drawer - such a treat! I had completely forgotten that I had kept it there. I think I have a pretty good memory - I can remember where I've kept things from several years ago. I'm a promoter of "a place for everything, and everything in it's place". But this way of thinking doesn't lead to too many surprises. Whenever I find something unexpected I always then have to think back on why it is there, or why I decided to keep it there. It's really neurotic when I think about it. One thing that always gets me, is that I never remember is kleenex in my pocket. I usually keep a kleenex in my pocket because you never know when you'll have a sniffle or have to wipe off some food from your clothes. But I always forget that I've got that kleenex in my pocket when I put my clothes in the washing machine. Bah! The result of that is definitely an unwelcome surprise!


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