Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I was watching a news story yesterday about some type of police-EMS-firefighters Olympics. It was some friendly competition between the various 911 groups that included several difficult challenges – carrying heavy dummies, climbing ladders, and the like. While I’m sure this Olympiad is very challenging and rewarding – the main thing that stuck out to me about this competition is that every competitor shown on TV was wearing a bike helmet. The runners, climbers – everyone was wearing a bike helmet. Jerry Seinfeld mentions that humans are crazy for inventing the helmet instead of just avoiding the head-cracking activities. But perhaps if we follow the example of these competitors we would all be better off. Think how many head-related mishaps could be avoided if we were always wearing bike helmets. No more bruises or goose eggs on the head and fewer concussions. And if you wore a fashionable helmet with a built-in visor, it could be a win-win-win situation. Fewer injuries, shade from the sun, and a stylin’ look.


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