Observations of a puzzling world

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Chairs on the subway!!!

Readers who follow this blog regularly may know that I often think about ways that I can bring my own chair onto the subway. A few days ago I was on the subway and two girls walked on. One was carrying three patio chairs (the plastic, non-folding, stackable kind), and the other was carrying a plastic patio table. The subway was quite crowded so they had to maneuver around all the other riders and try not to bump into anyone in the process. When the subway was coming to a stop, they grasped at the metal pole to stable themselves while holding onto these chairs and table. Finally the train cleared a little and they could set their chairs and table down. However they chose just to stand by their patio furniture instead of sit on it. There were no other seats on the train – so why not just sit on the chairs you just brought on? If it was me carrying all that stuff, I wouldn’t have just set up the patio set on the train, but I would have also set up a little lemonade stand or blackjack table. Might as well since you already have the furniture there.


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