Observations of a puzzling world

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Brian’s nasty lunch

I’m just going to come out and say it. I can’t stay quiet any longer. I am disappointed with Michelina. She advertises her frozen entrees as being hearty and delicious and even provides multicultural cuisine (a departure from her Italian roots). But when Brian was eating lunch yesterday I had a look at what Michelina was serving up – and it was pretty terrible. His “Teriyaki Bowl” looked more like Teriyaki soup with mushy rice with dehydrated red pepper. Where are the crispy vegetables and chicken? Michelina what’s happened to you? You used to provide such tasty microwavable meals!

I am also disappointed in the US Department of Agriculture for inspecting and approving this Michelina Teriyaki Bowl for Wholesomeness. I as Brian’s lunch inspector completely disagree. It was neither wholesome nor edible. How can the USDA expect the hard working individuals of industrialized countries to eat such terrible food? Don’t the inspectors have a discerning palette? If the USDA approves such poor quality food I’ve got some sawdust in my backyard that I can form into “clusters” and sell as a high fiber snack.

Before taking drastic action against the USDA or Michelina perhaps I should look at the expiration date of the Teriyaki Bowl – those dates may have a purpose after all.


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