Observations of a puzzling world

Monday, February 06, 2006

Inspiration and Perspiration

Most of us are familiar with the famous quote from Thomas Edison, “Genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration.” I’m sure we can all understand the message being conveyed – but of course I question this. Is the message really that hard work counts the most, or is there a deeper meaning?

What does it mean to be inspired? If you attend a lecture that inspires you – are you then going to rush out and work hard, or “perspire”, to reach your new goals? Or are you going to stumble out and sweat (or “perspire”) over all that you should be doing but haven’t already? Is “genius” being inspired and as a result working hard, or scaring yourself to work hard after seeing other’s success? Are we inspired to perspire, or perspire because we should be inspired?

I don’t think this is a matter of envy (that’s a deadly sin after all). It’s more consideration to the lack of personal success in comparison to others (hmm… I hope this is not a deadly sin). I don’t want what they have, but I want something of my own. It might just be because I don’t appreciate what I have or what I’ve accomplished – but when I see 20-year olds being called “the one to watch”, or “the next Prime Minister” it makes me think that I’m am being left behind.

I have met several people who are considered “movers and shakers” or “top 30 under 30” – and honestly, they inspire me. Their style, personality, and work ethic are a credit to their success. They make me feel that I too can be someone who inspires! I can make a difference! I can change the world! Yikes - is it getting hot in here?


  • This is brilliant - inspiring even!
    I know why its your favourite blog

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:06 PM  

  • Inspiration does not necessarily equal motivation, i.e. something that forces you into action. I learned this in undergrad - majority of lectures are boring and quite frankly uninspiring. These lectures or tutorials most certainly do not make me want to "perspire" in any way. But, when I get that midterm exam back with a 50% on it, you're guaranteed to see me run to the library and "perspire" (not from the running of course, but from the studying).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:41 PM  

  • I believe there are three ways of looking at the matter.

    One is that inspiration drives us to perspire. This happens when we work hard because of a passion we have. Not that the passion is always there during the hard work, but that it is there enough that we continue to want to work hard.

    The other that perspiration leads us to be inspired. This happens when we decide to work hard for reasons other than passion, including putting food on the table or even having nothing better to do with life, and somehow, we develop a love and passion along the way. Even though it may not be our biggest passion or love, it is significant.

    The third is that throughout life, inspiration and perspiration dominate at different times. At one point, life is blah and you are driven to work to put food on the table. At other points, you feel you can do the work of 10 people because you have grown to love something you do or accomplishments you have made, and that gives you the energy to accomplish great things. A beautiful synergistic relationship.

    Inspiration without perspiration is like a fluffy white cloud and the result is an accomplishment that will quickly disappear. And perspiration without inspiration is like a garbage dump and the result is an accomplishment that keeps on growing but has no meaning.

    Be inspired by accomplished people who surround you. And be aware that you must work hard to achieve the accomplishments and characteristics they have gained through hard work themselves.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:42 AM  

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