Observations of a puzzling world

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog Day!

Well I don’t actually know if this is a day that requires felicitations or not – but since it is supposed to be the middle of winter, we can all use a greeting today. There are several different types of animals that poke their heads out of the ground, but somehow “Happy Earthworm Day” doesn’t seem to have the same ring. Plus I doubt many people would gather around a tiny hole to see an earthworm pop out of it.

One thing that I cannot handle about Groundhog Day is the town crier announcing if the groundhog saw his shadow or not. All that manic shouting is so unnecessary. I understand the origin of town criers, but honestly – someone should introduce these people to the microphone or bullhorn. They need not shout anymore!

Oh and in case you were wondering, some Groundhogs saw their shadows, others didn’t – and meteorologists still have their jobs.


  • Haha!!! This is such an MNJ blog! Just wanted to say that this post in particular is an MNJ post! Cool for getting a blog! Now I will stay abrief of MNJ news! BTW, I was thinking about groundhog day the other day and thought about how they don't have groundhogs in Malaysia, nor would they require a groundhog day since it's always hot, and furthermore, the sun is almost always overhead! Hmm! Just some thoughts

    By Blogger twm, at 11:26 AM  

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