Observations of a puzzling world

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Why doesn’t fruit have an expiration date?

Are you an expiration date rebel? Do you laugh at the cryptic date branded into the side of milk cartons and yogurt containers? I don’t follow those expiration dates because I think they are a big conspiracy for you to throw out perfectly good food with the fear that it has spoiled. How do they know that the yogurt will only be good for 10 days? Where’s the scientific evidence that they’ve used to come to this conclusion – and why don’t that share that information with us? I’m just supposed to take their word for it – I don’t think so! Some things that really don’t require an expiration date have one – like bread. Many plastic tabs on the bread have expiration dates printed on them. Seems like a bad idea all around. Who keeps those tabs long enough to realize the expiration date? Some things should come with expiration dates but don’t – like fruits and vegetables. I think fruit could benefit from expiration dates much more than bread. Then there are those packaged consumables that have expiration dates that really mean nothing – like Oreos. Even if its month’s after the cookies have expired, I’m still going to eat them. I'm not giving into the conspiracy!


  • Hasn't nature provided fruit and vegatables with a built-in expiration indicator?

    It's called ROT.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:51 AM  

  • If you keep posting this "conspiracy theory" stuff the government is going to come after you. I'm going to have to deny ever reading this blog in fact...

    But yeah, the expiration date thing is crazy. In fact, I refuse to eat anything until AFTER that date just to stick it to the man.

    - Jimbo

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:52 AM  

  • i'm never one for expiration dates (i think 1/2 my fridge stuff is past due) but milk and yogurt i follow... for the simple reason that as a bio-nerd, i know all about the fun bacteria in there, and once they get past a critical mass (ie expiration date-ish which can be calculated using the bacteria growth curve) it leads to many hours spent praying to the porcelain gods! just ask my co-worker who ate 3 week past due yogurt!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:36 PM  

  • Are you kidding me??? Doesn't everyone check the expiration date befor buying something? I actually got got a huge box of lettuce that looked ok, but told the Dominion's produce worker that it was due the next day, and he put it down to $1. I was asking for some fresher stuff from the back, but they didn't have any. Fresh Obsessed! Dominion's actually honors that! I got 2 free flats of yoghurt for finding some that was overdue. Again, I just telling the Dominion's dairy worker as an fyi, and he informed me how you can get free stuff if you find overdue products! Eggs on the otherhand... conspiracy. Apparently, you can eat the eggs 2 weeks past the due date if you do the float test. *THEY* just want you to throw out your perfectly good eggs and to buy more.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:19 PM  

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