Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My treasure chest

I think I am a small-item pack rat. This is not the same as a regular pack rack because I don’t keep everything. I keep small things that I’m sure to use at some point in the future. All of these items fit into an Alexander Keith’s Pilsner Glass (which is another story because I have no idea how I ended up with this glass). When inspecting the contents of this glass I realized that it first was intended to be a pen holder – because there are a lot of pens in it. But there is a lot of other stuff also. The treasures inside of this glass include:

1. A key to a car that I no longer own
2. A combination lock. The combination I am subconsciously trying to remember
3. A wet nap from El Pollo Loco. The last time I saw this restaurant was 3 years ago in California, and I’ve never eaten there – but why throw out a perfectly good wet nap
4. A leather book mark that I stopped using because it was staining the pages of my books (the whole idea of a leather bookmark is weird)
5. A “Science Foundation” flashlight/key ring that sometimes works – you never know when we’ll have another blackout
6. An Ikea golf pencil for when I’m ready to tee off
7. Business cards from people who get excited that they have business cards and enthusiastically hand them out
8. An eyeglass screwdriver
9. Five Wu Jiao (no idea why I have Chinese currency)
10. Several pens, highlighters, paper clips and a twist tie (you can never have enough)

It’s remarkable how much will fit into a pint glass! Now I know all the great stuff I have in my treasure chest. When I buy my next car, I’ll take this key along – if it works, it will save me a trip to the locksmith!


  • Yes, why throw out a perfectly good wet nap? Who knows when you're going to need it! On a side note, most of the restaurants here have sinks because a lot of people eat with their hands! No wet naps! The only problem is that the taps get greasy. YECH!

    By Blogger twm, at 3:05 PM  

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