Observations of a puzzling world

Friday, July 07, 2006


It used to be that I would only see evangelists on television on Sunday mornings – but now they are on all the time. I don’t really have any qualms with the evangelists – they basically say to be a good person, don’t be mean, don’t steal etc etc. Nothing out of the ordinary really. They often seem to have southern accents – I’d like to see an evangelist from Scotland or Ireland. Then people would really be paying attention to the sermons to get the full message! The evangelists that heal ailments I am a little skeptical of though … because they make it seem that anyone can have this strange healing power. Yesterday I read something in the newspaper that really speaks to this point. Some people should just stick to what they know, instead of evangelism.

“From a worker whose hand was cut on a restaurant can-opener: "Blood was squirting everywhere. Instead of grabbing the first-aid kit, [the boss] took my hand in his, closed his eyes, looked up towards the ceiling and said 'Heal. Heal. In two seconds you will no longer feel pain and you will be healed.' As blood continued to gush, a co-worker called an ambulance”


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