Observations of a puzzling world

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Arm Swinging

Do you ever catch yourself while walking swinging your arms about in a manic manner? Every now and again I’ll catch myself swinging my arms outrageously in front of me while walking. I’m not sure why this happens – or why I need to swing my arms at all? Does it help keep the pace of my walking or help balance me while carrying a heavy backpack? Either way – it looks strange. And then of course after I find myself looking bizarre, I have to start looking at how others are walking. I’ve noticed many people with the “big but small” arm swing – petite people who swing their arms far out in front of them to make their presence larger. Or the “huffy” swing – people who swing their arms really quickly as they walk as though they are in a huge rush or really upset. The only consistent thing I have noticed about arm swinging is that it can be dangerous – flailing arms can only lead to one thing … eye injuries for other pedestrians. Particularly those with pointy elbows or long fingernails – they can inflict serious damage. So walk cautiously.


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