Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Do you ever have the dressing dilemma – can I wear this same item for two days in a row? Would anyone really notice? I sometimes think this and feel it’s too risky to wear the same item of clothing two days in a row. Although I do wear the same watch everyday and no one notices… but still – if I wear the same thing for two days, for the entire day I am consumed with the notion that someone is going to catch my fashion faux pas (although that would be a minor one of many). I don’t know if anyone would really notice, or even if someone noticed if they’d be mean enough to say something about the repetitive clothing. Still it’s something that I have in the back of my mind anytime I double up my clothing routine. Sometimes I think that it would be easier if I could just wear a uniform everywhere I went – or if everyone was wearing a uniform, that would be better. Like the crew of the Enterprise – no one seemed upset that they had to wear the same clothes all the time. I came across this website http://www.littlebrowndress.com/ where a lady wore the same homemade “little brown dress” for one year (taking it off for washings of course). Maybe she’s onto something…


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