Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

That's one big cat!

My friend Roshanak sent me an article yesterday about a 33lb “monster cat”. Apparently this cat likes to eat 6lbs of chicken and pork every day. At first I was at a loss for words – what can you say about an obese cat? Clearly the cat’s owners love it so much that they don’t care that it has a 31-inch waist. There aren’t any weight watcher clubs for cats so that they can shed pounds in time for the spring season. There are several advantages to being a cat. They have permanent clothing that always fits, so there is never the worry of wearing a bikini. Cat’s also are very independent and don’t really spend much time with other cats – so there is less gossiping about each other. If there is no one around to call them fat – there is nothing to feel bad about. So what can we learn from this cat story? If we tattoo on some permanent clothes, stop speaking to each other, and eat a whole lot of chicken and pork every day, we’d all be a lot happier. Perhaps this isn’t a lesson to live by.

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  • Hmm. This appears to be evidence against low-carb diets ....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:01 PM  

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