Observations of a puzzling world

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Good to the last drop

Watching television today, I saw an ad for milk that is so good that you have to squeeze out every last drop from the carton. I thought this was a bit extreme until I started looking around my house. I noticed that when my bar of soap gets so small that it keeps slipping out of my fingers, I fuse it to a new bar of soap. I use the back of my toothbrush to scrape the tube of toothpaste into a flat pancake to get out the last bit of paste. I leave the bottle of mustard upside down so that I don’t waste any of the tangy condiment. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to get to the very last of something. The laundry detergent bottle keeps tumbling over when I turn it upside down to retrieve the last of it. And the Windex bottle begins to implode from all the air that is getting pumped out while I try to use up the last of the cleaner. For all of the effort of making use of every single last little bit of what I use, I began to consider if it is really worth it. How much money do I save by using that last sliver of soap? But then again, there are people in this world that don’t have soap – and how would they feel if they saw me haphazardly throwing the sliver out? This dilemma really has me puzzled, and the only way I can rationalize my behavior is by thinking “What would Martha do?” Actually, she would not only use up the very last of her homemade jam, she would also turn the empty bottle into a plant bottle garden.

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