Observations of a puzzling world

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fashion Rule #1

My colleague Sharon asked me yesterday about the “no white after Labour Day” rule. What’s the story with this rule? Does this mean that brides and martial artists are a faux-pas after Labour Day? Even though I’ve heard of the fashion police, I’ve never actually seen them. Yet if someone wears a pair of white slacks in mid-October, they become a fashion criminal. I had to get to the bottom of this ridiculous rule. After searching on the web, I found that white is only acceptable between Memorial Day and Labour Day, but the original rule was “no white shoes” between these days. The rule then became refined to “no white dress shoes”. So there you have it ­- a pointless rule that originated with some mean etiquette teacher because likely she was jealous of her pupil’s shoes. Since only the U.S. celebrates Memorial Day I think only Americans are forced to follow this rule, and the rest of us should feel free to walk around in our white stilettos or Sorels (depending on the weather of course).

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