An update...
Hello readers. My apologies for not blogging regularly last week. As you may know, I've decided to become a cowgirl and move to the praries ... so that means lots of preparation (on which I will comment further this week). This past weekend I wrote my professional exam - along with about 1000 other people - most of whom were men over 35. I had the privilage of sitting in front of someone who was a "whisperer" - someone who must quietly read each question aloud to himself, writes down his answer, and then quietly read that aloud to himself. I thought I won the jackpot when I heard him whispers his answers! What luck to sit in front of someone who is just giving answers away! The more I listened though - I wasn't convinced his answers were right, so he just became the annoying whispering guy. All the exam invigilators had Scandinavian names (according to their nametags). Maybe there they breed people with a keen eye for cheaters? Or maybe all these people wanted to play a trick on the candidates and just make up names? I would have done that - only I'd use characters from Three's Company.
Better scandanavian names than cartoon characters names. Then you would know for sure they are playing a joke on you.
By Anonymous, at 6:25 PM
hope your exam went well! hope your holidays are good too!!!!! :D
By twm, at 1:59 PM
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