Observations of a puzzling world

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I was looking at the image of Mr Peanut from yesterday’s post and noticed that he is wearing a monocle. Why? What is it that Mr Peanut is suffering from that he needs to wear a monocle? Far sightedness? How does a monocle work anyway? Is it like what the jeweler’s wear when evaluating diamonds? The monocle is so smartly fashioned that it has it’s own string – if I was wearing a monocle I’d make that string retractable I think only individuals who are distinguished wear monocles. Try-hards like me wear spectacles, and people who just don’t need to try wear contact lenses (or have perfect vision). You don’t see people in track- suits wearing monocles. There must be something about the monocle that doesn’t work since very few people now wear them. Maybe they work too well and the government banned them (wouldn’t doubt that conspiracy theory). It seems though that through history only evil people wear monocles. Watch out for that Mr Peanut then – he’ll give you high cholesterol!


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