Old stuff
Have you ever come across something in your possession that you have had for a very long time, but never meant to keep for that long? Now I don’t mean a priceless piece of furniture or your grandmother’s engagement ring, Some things you just keep on using because they are meant to last a long time – like cooking pots. Most are not meant to be replaced on a frequent basis. But what I am thinking about is something that is rather disposable but for some reason you still have it. Yesterday I was sorting through my old sports equipment (from the days when I was “sporty”). I was looking for some athletic tape that I used to use … and I found it in a very old ziplock bag. Now you may be wondering how I knew that it was old. Well this was one of those bags that has the white tab on it so that when you store something in it, you can label of what it is. When I looked at the label on this plastic bag, it said “Loonie Collection 1997”. I remembered I had used it for a charity collection drive almost 10 years ago. I wonder if I can sell it on ebay and make some money off of it?
oh man i used to be such a pack rat
Now and then I have a throwaway binge-fest
Vanessa, at 2:16 AM
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