Observations of a puzzling world

Friday, April 28, 2006


Every now and again I see someone performing work that makes me wonder if it is really necessary. Do doormen (or doorpeople) really need to hold the door open for people walking in and out of a building? I don’t find opening doors to be all that difficult. And now with automatic doors, it doesn’t see that the doorman still needs to stand out in the cold and hold the door open. The only people that really seem to need doormen are the Donald Trumps of the world. Everyone else seems to manage just fine (rather ironic actually). Elevator operators are another job I think is totally unnecessary – and rather inhumane if you ask me. I think it is pretty simple to press a button on a panel in an elevator, and it’s cruel to keep someone trapped in that small little room going up and down over and over. Claustrophobia and motion sickness is what that spells! And finally, the people we all love to hate – the greeters at Walmart. Their job is unnecessary, because anyone can get their own shopping cart, and I’m not so sure the shopping experience is so much more positive if people are greeted when entering the store. Maybe I am hard on the Walmart greeter is because they never greet me! Just because I’m not going to purchase diapers and potato chips in bulk does not mean that I don’t deserve to be greeted!


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